June 11

6 Crazy Tips For Baby Sleep Regression

Sleep Training



Babies constantly go through phases of development, whether it is physical/social (rolling, standing, walking, babbling, first words), or their brain adjusting to the maturation of sleep. One thing we can all agree on is that when your baby goes through a sleep regression, it’s usually a challenge.

We will touch on what to look out for during a sleep regression, when a regression might happen, and most importantly 6 tips for baby sleep regression and lastly how to make it out the other end! 


In general, a sleep regression is a period of time when your baby has been sleeping like an angel and suddenly started having multiple night wakes or catnapping during the day. It really is “suddenly” as it comes out of nowhere.

Regressions generally last between 3 to 6 weeks. Behind the scenes, a sleep regression means your baby’s brain is maturing and going through neurological and cognitive developments! They are also beginning to develop their circadian rhythm


Below are some signs that your baby is going through a sleep regression: 

  1. 1
    They are taking longer to go down for naps or completely refusing to nap
  2. 2
    They are refusing to sleep at their normal bedtime - Here is a blog  about reasons why your baby is fighting sleep.
  3. 3
    They have increased fussiness during the day
  4. 4
    They have started or have reached key developmental milestones, like crawling, standing, or walking
  5. 5
    They have an increased appetite for gaining energy to develop their new skills

Not all signs will be present, but if you notice most of these happening to your baby it is likely a sleep regression. 

Tips For Baby Sleep Regression


You can also confirm a sleep regression based on how many months old your baby is. 

4 Month Sleep Regression 

The first sleep regression that new parents encounter usually happens around 4 months, but can occur as early as 3 months. 

At this stage, your baby’s sleep patterns are starting to resemble an adult’s. Newborn sleep is made up of 45 minute cycles where they usually drift in and out of sleep between each of these cycles. When their sleep starts maturing around 4 months, they wake completely after one cycle and now require help entering the next sleep cycle.

Until now, they have no experience of how to enter the next cycle. This is where the idea of sleep training comes into play to teach your baby how to self-soothe or self-settle. Unfortunately, this is not a passing phase and action must be taken.

6 Month Sleep Regression

This is a smaller regression as it is usually when your baby will drop their afternoon nap or their third nap, leaving only two naps (usually morning and lunch). They most likely will go through a fussy period due to adjusting for a longer wake time before bedtime.

8, 9, 10 Month Sleep Regression

We normally say 8 month regression, but again the timing can vary and happen any time between 8-10 months, or even all throughout these months! This regression is responsible for physiological developmental changes for your baby. These are the huge milestones you have been waiting for: crawling, standing, first words.

Just as you are excited about these milestones, your baby is too! They’re so excited that they want to wake up to practice these amazing new skills they have even throughout the night.

If you have sleep trained your baby during their 4-month regression, try not to undo the training and break into old habits when this regression hits. Unlike the 4 month regression, the 8-10 month regression should be a passing stage. 

Another thing thrown into the mix is separation anxiety, which commonly happens around this time too. You may notice they are especially clingy when you leave the room or fussy when you leave them with someone other than yourself.

They are going through such huge and new developments that they need comfort and assurance. 

12 Month Sleep Regression

This regression is responsible for another nap transition. Babies around this stage drop their morning nap, leaving only one nap (usually the lunch nap). This can happen anywhere between 12-15 months.


  • Consistency in routine: Try to establish a routine for your baby early on, so they can still expect what is coming and feel familiar when they go through new changes. Babies can’t tell the time, so they rely on the routine to eat, sleep, and play. Out these 6 tips for baby sleep regressions, this one is the biggest one, hence why it's the top tip! I can not stress this enough consistency will give you results! 
  • Correct bedtime for their age: Ensure that you’re setting the appropriate bedtime for your baby’s age to avoid being under- or over-tired. For example, 1-4 months is normally between 8-11pm, 4-8 months between 6-7.30pm, 8-10 months between 6-7pm, and 10-15 months between 6-8pm. 
  • Sleep training: When your baby's sleep matures around 4 months, you will have to adopt some method of sleep training. This is a skill that babies need in order to learn to soothe themselves back to sleep when they wake. The most popular sleep training method is Ferber’s Cry it Out. On a high level, this involves leaving your baby in their cot and going to check on/console them at staggered time intervals (5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and so on) until they fall asleep. The key is that they learn not to rely on you or another sleep association to help them fall asleep. There are other gentler methods available too, such as the Chair method (sitting in a chair next to the cot until they fall asleep), the pick up/put down method (pick them up when they are fussy but put back down before they fall asleep), or shush/pat method (shushing or patting your baby until they are calm).
  • Good sleep environment: Try to ensure that the sleep environment your baby is in is suitable for sleep. The room should be dark (blackout blinds are great), white noise turned on (if your baby needs it), and the right temperature (comfortable level is around 18 degrees celsius).
  • Extra feedings: Your baby will require extra energy from all the brain activity and development. Don’t be afraid to give extra feedings during this time, whether it is through breastfeeding or bigger meals.
  • Sufficient day naps: Even though their night sleep is fragmented or they are catnapping, try to keep the number of naps consistent. If they miss a nap, there is the possibility of getting overtired come bedtime. The last thing you want is a wired, fussy baby before bed! 


So, there you have it, my 6 tips for baby sleep regression. Sleep regressions are challenging and exhausting on all parties involved. Just keep this in mind while you’re awake at 2am. Your baby’s brain is going through some amazing developments and simply put, it is just a natural process.

It will all be worth it when you see them walking, saying their first words, or finally sleeping through the night!


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Posted in  Sleep Training   on  June 11, 2020 by  Sarah Wagner0

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