May 21

Simple Cry It Out Method How Long Is Too Long?9min?

Sleep Training


So, the simple cry it out method how long is too long? Sleep training your baby to sleep is one of the best things that you can do to avoid waking up at night after every 30 minutes. Your baby needs to sleep for 10 to 12 hours a day. Many new parents never think about sleep training their baby at first, but as time goes, they start looking for tips to help their baby sleep for long at night.

A night of quality sleep is vital for the growth and development of your baby. It will also help you have a night of quality sleep. We all know the impacts of inadequate sleep at night, starting from low energy levels in the morning, stress, depression, and other mental disorders. Training your baby to sleep is the only way that you can be able to resume your sleeping routine.

What is sleep training?

You might think that sleeping is a skill that comes naturally. That is not the case. Your baby may not be having this ability yet. Babies can spend a lot of time when trying to learn these skills on their own. There are some things that you can do to make your baby learn when and how to sleep. Sleep training is teaching a baby how to sleep without the help of another person.

Sleep training can look different for different families. Before you start sleep training your baby, you and your partner need to note the following:

  1. Sleep training does not mean you are neglecting your baby.
  2. Sleep training does not mean that you have to deny your baby food when he or she is hungry at night.

Methods of sleep training

There are different methods of sleep training a baby. You have to choose what seems suitable for you and your baby. Every baby is different. What worked for another mother may not work for you, we learnt the most from this method. All that matters is consistency in the method of your choice. Here are some of the most common sleep training methods:

Simple Cry It Out Method How Long Is Too Long

This method is the most common, and it involves putting babies on a bed and then leaving them to sleep on their own. It is known as cry it out (CIO) because you have to let the baby cry or fuss until s/he falls asleep. You don't have to comfort your baby when s/he cries. This method will help your baby learn how to sleep without a lullaby.

This method may not sound to every parent. If you feel like you can't manage to let your baby cry until he or she wears and falls asleep on her own, method two below is somehow gentle.

The Ferber method

This method is the best for parents who are looking for a gentle sleeping method that involves fewer tears. It is an advancement of the cry it out (CIO) sleep training method. In this method, you put your baby on a bed and leave the room.

If the baby cries, wait for some minutes about 10 to 20 and then go back to the room and quietly comfort him or her for a minute or two before leaving again. Unfortunately, this method, if not done well, can take months before showing positive results. If you want the Ferber method Guide, then we did write another blog on it, you can read it here!

cry it out method how long is too long

When to start the cry it out sleep training?

There is nothing like a sleep training age. You can start training your baby at any age. What matters is whether your baby is ready for sleep training or not. Before you start sleep training, you need to make sure that your baby is above 15 lbs (6.8 Kgs), his or her growth curve is healthy, and has zero medical concerns. It is wise if you first check with your pediatrician before you start sleep training.

Personally, we started sleep training our son at around 4 months and we think this is the ideal time to sleep train your baby, because the first 3 months would difficult for baby to adjust as they want that comfort and security around them. 

Most babies are ready for the cry it out sleep training after they are above four months old. However, you can start training your baby healthy sleeping habits, such as establishing bedtime routines and putting him or her down when drowsy but still awake, from birth. Between the age of 0 to 6 weeks, make sure not to interfere with your baby's sleeping schedules and routine. At this age, the baby needs to get enough sleep to survive.

How to know whether your baby needs sleep training or not?

If your baby is constantly overtired and cranky, that is a sign that he or she is not getting quality sleep, and it is time to start the training. You can also start sleep training if you have to wake up several times in the night to go and help your child sleep every time he or she cries.

How to make sleep training successful?

Very many parents try to sleep train their babies, but not all are successful. Some things can make it harder for your baby to learn new sleeping habits. To increase the chances of success of sleep training, you should:

  1. 1
    Consult your pediatrician - Before you start sleep training, you need to be sure that your baby is healthy. Your baby is not ready for sleep training if he or she is still below the 15 lbs (6.8 Kgs), has an unhealthy growth curve, or any medical condition. 
  2. 2
    Discuss with your partner and other people in your house - Sleep training can't be successful when your partner doesn't know what you are doing. He or she might think you don't like the baby and interfere with the training when the baby is crying. Letting your partner know your goals will help increase the success rate. Also by letting other people in the house hold that you'll be using the Cry It Out Method (CIO) and the follow up question is How Long Is Too Long. You've just to give them a time and let them know what that time is 
  3. 3
    Get a baby monitor - No parent can be comfortable to hear his or her child crying without knowing what is happening to him or her. A baby monitor will help you know how your child is doing without having to go to his or her room. It will also let you know when the baby is crying for help and when he or she is crying to get your attention.
  4. 4
    Maintaining a nightly routine - You should make sure you are feeding your baby 30 minutes before sleeping time every day. If you prefer to bath your baby before sleeping, maintain that. Let your baby learn the things that mean it is time to sleep. here are 6 other strategies to review if your is still struggling to sleep. 
  5. 5
    Find a calm room - Noise can distract your baby's sleep. Finding a noise-free room can help him or her fall asleep faster. Sunlight can distract your baby's sleep. Using dull curtains that don't allow too much light to pass through can help prevent your baby from waking up before it is time to do so in the morning.

To End

So, the cry it out method how long is too long? We know this is a very controversial topic, at the end of the day you've got to do what works for you and baby. Honestly, we used the Ferber Method more as it guided baby and let him know that we are here. But naturally the baby needs to find his way to self soothe. 

In the end, we know that our son is happy and calm, because it is only about a couple nights that they cry for long maybe at most 30 mins. But we know we will check up on him to give him comfort. We know tomorrow morning when he wakes up, he still smiles and giggles at us! 

I wouldn't let baby cry for more than 25 minutes at a time without in and checking up on them, some parents full let their babies cry until they asleep. Ask yourself this, do you want baby to control your sleep or do you want to help them control THEIR sleep! 


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Posted in  Sleep Training   on  May 21, 2020 by  Sarah Wagner0

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